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How to solve the Let’s Encrypt SSL on ASP.NET Core
Viewed 9072 times since Mon, Jul 17, 2017
Problem: Let's Encrypt SSL fails to work even it has been activated on the Control Panel Solution:  This solution applies to ASP.NET Core application with MVC The problem is that Let's Encrypt SSL targets a folder .well-know inside... Read More
I cannot see my website. What should I do?
Viewed 3508 times since Thu, May 3, 2012
Let's say you host a website called and one day, you realize that your website is inaccessible. Please do not panic and please kindly check few things on your end: 1. Please open your Command Prompt window and please... Read More
My site is showing 500 Internal Server error message. What is wrong here?
Viewed 3296 times since Thu, May 3, 2012
Please be advised that the "500 Internal Server" error message can be caused by many factors. This is a generic error message thrown by the server. In order to find the actual error message, you need to contact us via our Help Desk System so that... Read More
I am unable to renew my Let’s Encrypt SSL
Viewed 2000 times since Thu, Aug 23, 2018
Once your Let's Encrypt SSL has expired, you will then try to renew it via our Control Panel. However, occasionally, the server can return an error, making you unable to renew the SSL The solution to this is to put a web.config file in ... Read More
About Azure Key Vault
Viewed 1240 times since Mon, Nov 2, 2020
You probably have a website that is pulling a password that is stored in AZURE Key Vault. The code is working fine on your local PC but it would not work after you deploy the application to our server. To resolve this issue, please check the... Read More