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I receive this error message: "Domain size limit exceeded". What should I do?
Viewed 23578 times since Mon, Apr 30, 2012
If you receive this error message, this is simply because of the fact that you have used all the allocated email space. When you registered for a hosting account, you will be allocated a certain amount of email space and you must make sure that the... Read More
What is my POP/SMTP detail?
Viewed 9664 times since Mon, Apr 30, 2012
Please refer to your activation email for information about your SMTP/POP detail. If you do not receive the activation email, please contact our Sales Team via our official website. Your POP and SMTP settings are as followed: SMTP: mail... Read More
My ISP is blocking SMTP port 25. What should I do?
Viewed 6450 times since Mon, Apr 30, 2012
If you find out that your local ISP is blocking port 25, you need to contact them to find out the opened SMTP port. Usually, they open an alternative port 587, but this is something you need to check with them directly. Once you have confirmed it,... Read More
How do I configure an email account in Outlook Express?
Viewed 5346 times since Mon, Apr 30, 2012
Follow the steps below to set up your Outlook Express in order to retrieve emails from our mail server. Replace "" with your actual domain name. 1. From the top menu, click on "Tools," Select "Accounts..." 2. On the right side of... Read More
I have setup SMTP Authentication on my MS Outlook, but I still cannot send an email
Viewed 4763 times since Mon, Apr 30, 2012
Please be advised that MS Outlook is a CLIENT tool, i.e. this tool is installed on the client side. We have no control whatsoever on the settings you set on your Outlook. We can only show you the steps-by-steps to configure your Outlook so that your... Read More
How often do you backup my website?
Viewed 4479 times since Tue, May 1, 2012
We do nightly backup of all your website files, databases, emails and DNS information. We send the backup into a separate, remote tape drive. With this mechanism, you can be rest assured that your data remains safe and secure with us. We do, however... Read More
How do I set up SMTP authentication in Mozilla Thunderbird V.1?
Viewed 4016 times since Mon, Apr 30, 2012
Follow the steps below to configure Thunderbird to use SMTP Authentication. 1. From the top menu, click on "Tools," select "Account Settings," this will bring up the "Account Settings" Dialogue box 2. Select "Outgoing Server (SMTP)" 3. Click ... Read More
My WebMail does not work. What should I do?
Viewed 3910 times since Mon, Apr 30, 2012
If your webmail does not work, please kindly check the error message properly. If you see an error message: "Incorrect username and password", this means that you may have entered incorrect credentials. You have to reset your email account... Read More
How can I setup my email service to use GMail MX?
Viewed 3866 times since Tue, May 15, 2012
If you like to use GMail MX service, you need to make sure you point your MX records to the Google MX records. Please refer to the following guidelines: 1. Please login to your Control Panel -> Domain -> DNS Setting 2. Please make sure you add the... Read More
How do I set up SMTP authentication in Outlook Express?
Viewed 3717 times since Mon, Apr 30, 2012
Follow the steps below to configure Outlook Express to use SMTP authentication 1. From the top menu, click on "Tools," Select "Accounts..." 2. Select the account which you want to configure and click "Properties" 3. Go to the "Servers" tab, check ... Read More
How can I check the usage of my email account?
Viewed 3595 times since Mon, Apr 30, 2012
Please be advised that you cannot check the usage of your email account directly. We cannot inform you the usage of a particular email account either. We can, however, inform you the total cumulative usage of all your email accounts on our mail... Read More
Do you support IMAP?
Viewed 3544 times since Mon, Apr 30, 2012
Unfortunately, we do not support IMAP on the basic hosting. The IMAP is provided as an extra service on the Business Grade Email Service. Please contact our Support Team for more information Read More
What happens if I exceed the total quota of a MAILBOX?
Viewed 2858 times since Tue, May 22, 2012
If you exceed the space limit defined for a mailbox, this mailbox will stop receiving emails and the emails will be returned back to the sender. As a result, you will also receive an automatic email: "Domain Size Limit Exceeded" and this is to inform... Read More
How can I check the total usage of my mailbox?
Viewed 2706 times since Tue, May 22, 2012
Unfortunately, we cannot inform you the specific details of the usage of each of your mailboxes on our email server. We can, however, able to inform you the total cumulative usage of all your mailboxes on your email domain only. Read More