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My application pool stops working. What is wrong with my site?

Sometimes, you will notice that your website's application pool is halted automatically by the IIS. If this happens, there are few causes:

1. Something is not right with your website's coding. For the details of the error message, you can always ask our Support Team to review the Windows Event Viewer and we will send it to you. Please do take note that Windows Event Viewer is not verbose and not all the website's error messages are logged there. 

2. Your website is using higher-than-usual CPU or RAM, which causes the IIS to automatically halt your site. So, what can you do? You need to ensure that every single part of your website is fully optimized. This includes image optimization, SQL Query optimization, Database Optimization, etc. You may sometime experience this issue on a shared server. Since there are other clients on the shared server, their existence may increase the resources usages and at one point, the IIS will crash and stop several sites automatically in order to bring down the resources usages. If you are on our dedicated server service, then you know directly it is the time for you to upgrade to a better server with better CPU and RAM

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