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I receive this error message: "Directory Listing Denied. This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed."
Viewed 10248 times since Mon, Apr 30, 2012
This error message occurs simply because you have not setup your own default page. As you may know, you can have your own default page such as home.aspx, default.aspx, default.php, etc. If you have this kind of default page, you need to add the... Read More
How to Solve an Error Message "Validation of viewstate MAC failed"
Viewed 8856 times since Tue, Apr 2, 2013
Usually we won’t got "Validation of viewstate MAC failed” error in our site all the time. Normally the site works fine and doesn't throw any errors if you load the site and use it at a regular pace. The error only occurs when you load... Read More
How do I send an email from my ASP.NET website by using SMTP Authentication?
Viewed 6162 times since Tue, May 1, 2012
In order to send email from our mail servers, you need to allow SMTP Authentication on your code. If you host your website and your email on our server, there will be NO remote connection made between your site and your mail service on our server.... Read More
My website session times out earlier than expected. Why?
Viewed 4631 times since Tue, May 1, 2012
Please be advised that since your site is hosted on a shared server, there are other services on the server that may impact your site session. A bad programming practice (infinite looping, etc), a sudden jump in one of the site's traffic, etc... Read More