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How do I login to my SQL database remotely?

In order to login to your database remotely, please follow the following steps:

1. Please create your new database via your control panel -> click on your domain -> Database.

2. You may also need to create the "database user” via your control panel as well.

3. Please refer to your activation email about your connection string details. Depending on the type of SQL database that you create, the connection
string may be different.

4. Please download the "SQL Management Studio Express” tool from Microsoft website. This tool is provided FREE of charge and it can be downloaded from Microsoft website directly

Please take note that all Microsoft products is not "backward-compatible". This means that if you are using SQL 2008 R2, you cannot use SQL 2005 Maangement Studio Express tool to work with your SQL 2008 R2.

5. Please run this tool on your local PC and please enter the information specified on your activation email.

6. Please do not forget to specify our database port number

Just for your information, our database port is as followed:

SQL 2008: Port 777
SQL 2008 R2: Port 778
SQL 2012: Port 779
SQL 2014: Port 780

For the details, please see the articles here.

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