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How can I have my Sharepoint setup of your server? |
Article Number: 101 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated: Wed, May 2, 2012 at 1:42 AM
In order to have Sharepoint setup on our server, there are some pre-requisites that you need to know:
1. You always need to make sure you register for one of our SharePoint 2010 Hosting Plans. We cannot install SharePoint for you if you selected any non-SharePoint 2010 product. .
2. You need to settle one-time Sharepoint setup fee and this fee is non-refundable. This fee is disclosed clearly on all our Sharepoint hosting plan pages.
3. You need to advise us as clearly as possible about the Sharepoint installation location. We can install Sharepoint either on the root or subdomain. If you do not advise anything, we assume that you are happy with the installation on the root and in case you want to alter the installation location, you will have to pay another Sharepoint setup fee.
If you have met the two requirements above, you need to create a ticket via our Help Desk System. Your Sharepoint will be configured and everything will be ready shortly. |
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